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BAATPE - missions and activities

Through its activities BAATPE contributes to the development and promotion of textile and clothing sector such as: 

  • examine and defend the interests of its members and the industry as a whole - the national and European level / as a member of EURATEX /
  • create an environment for communication and cooperation between its members and with other companies in the sector
  • contribute to increasing the competitiveness of companies by organizing seminars, training, providing advice and information about funding projects.
  • inform the members for the development of international and internal trade in clothing and textile sector and provide them with up-to-date interbranch, economic, legal and other information
  • promote Bulgarian clothing and textile industry abroad and assist its members to establish business contacts with foreign companies.

Main goals  

  • assist its members in the development of activities in the production of clothing and textiles in Bulgaria and their realization in Bulgaria and abroad.
  • examine, protect and defend the economic, professional and legal interests of its members.
  • develop collegiality and cooperation among its members and other exporters of clothing and textiles in Bulgaria and abroad
  • contribute to the creation of normal market environment for the development, production and marketing of clothing and textiles
  • assist the members of the association with the necessary information about markets and domestic and international trade in clothing and textiles
  • support effective national and international cooperation of its members

Organization of specialized events

The Association organizes the unique Balkan Gate for Apparel and Textiles - BGate.

This is a specialized business-to-business exhibition that provides a professional meeting environment for manufacturers, retailers, designers and partners. BAATPE annually organizes a national conference and international events devoted to current issues and challenges facing the sector.


Twice a month the Association issued a newsletter that is distributed in electronic format to all members of the BAPIOT and includes : 

  • information on the development of international and domestic trade in apparel and textiles;
  • current sectoral information, information from partner organisations, etc.;
  • upcoming business meetings and visits;
  • international projects;
  •  information for any specific requests, upcoming fairs and exhibitions, business trips, opportunities for cooperation and partnership, etc. 

BAATPE negotiate with companies serving the sector, preferential rates and discounts for the benefit of its members.

BAATPE maintain contacts with Bulgarian and foreign consultants who delivered specialized seminars to the needs of members of BAATPE.

BAATPE collects and provides its members with information about various grants programs, assists in preparing necessary documents and finding partners, etc.


Contact with foreign customers 

BAATPE works to build a modern and competitive sector and promote Bulgaria as a proven manufacturer and supplier of quality textiles and clothing. The Association used all opportunities to draw the attention of potential foreign clients and partners and to attract the attention of potential foreign clients and partners.

The Аssociation regularly enter professional inquiries for the production of garments and textiles which after being examined and treated by the team of BAATPE are freely available to its members.

BAATPE presents its members of the international exhibitions and promotes the inclusion of information about them in catalogs, and other specialized publications.

The Association contributes to the visits of foreign companies in Bulgaria and assists with overall organization and coordination of program, business meetings and related events.


BAATPE is a member of the organization - umbrella of European textile industry (EURATEX), through which textiles and clothing industry in our country is represented at European and international level .

BAATPE is also a member of the Bulgarian Industrial Association - BIA, Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry – BCCI, the Confederation of Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria - CEIBG.

We work in cooperation with the Agency for the promotion of small and medium-sized enterprises ASME, U.S. Agency for International Development - USAID, various non-governmental organisations and relevant European organisations.

BAATPE actively cooperates with Bulgarian and foreign institutions and programs to assist companies in the industry in participating and visiting specialized international exhibitions and fairs.

BAATPE is a partner of foreign organizations in the implementation of several projects with European funding programs.

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